Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 21 Mar 2006
What is the current role of MRI in pyogenic meningitis in neonates?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
nikhil agrawal
MRI is a more sensitive and specific method for early detection of pyogenic meningitis and its complications,than CT scan.Besides that advantage of less radiation hazard.Sometimes with MRI especially, nonenhanced studies performed in patients with uncomplicated acute bacterial meningitis may demonstrate negative findings
19 years ago
pramod m.kulkarni
Not as a routine
no additional advantage over CT for pickingup structural complications -subdural collections,hydrocephalus,rarely abscesses,venous sinus thrombosis,bony defects,shifts.
May pickup ischemic-inflammatory changes in brain parenchyma better than CT.

19 years ago
Dr S Ramesh
to find early abcess formation to study changes in posterior fossa structures
19 years ago
MRI is the most sensitive modality to detect presence and extent of inflammatory changes in the meninges, as well as complications. MRI is better than CT in demonstrating leptomeningeal enhancement and distention of the subarachnoid space with widening of the interhemispheric fissure, which is reported to be an early finding in severe meningitis.
19 years ago

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