Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 05 May 2010
What is T1,T2 and Flair images on MRI_? How can we use these for interpretation and differentiating disorders _?

Dr Pote
Expert Answer :
With its dependence on the more biologically variable parameters of proton density, longitudinal relaxation time {T1}, and transverse relaxation time {T2}, variable image contrast can be achieved by using different pulse sequences and by changing the imaging parameters. Signal intensities on T1, T2, and proton density-weighted images relate to specific tissue characteristics. The signal intensity on the MR image is determined by four basic parameters: 1} proton density, 2} T1 relaxation time, 3} T2 relaxation time, and 4} flow. Proton density is the concentration of protons in the tissue in the form of water and macromolecules {proteins, fat, etc}. The T1 and T2 relaxation times define the way that the protons revert back to their resting states after the initial RF pulse.
Answer Discussion :
ayham salim
to differentiate different tissues
15 years ago

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