Posted On :
29 Oct 2009
We have a patient admitted, 12 yrs old male child was seen in OPD for back pain of 1 month, he also had restriction of spine movements
no hpero feverpertraumaperTBperTBCperweight lossperjoint pains
other physical examination normal with no local tenderness
He was investigated:
X ray spine and pelvis showed sclerosis of bil sacroiliac joint. We considered it as _?Juvenile Ank Sponds and was investigated further but
his test for HLA B27 and ANA, RA were negative.
His MRI spine and pelvis was done, suggestive of wedge collapse of L3 vertebra with prevertebral and Rt paravertebral hyperintensities suggestive of Tuberculous osteomyelitis.
His MRI pelvis suggestive of _?Ankylosing spondylitis.
Ptient is presently on AKT and strict bed rest.
My query is- is sclerosis of bil sacroiliac joint related to Tuberculosis or its a diffrent entity. What could be the differential for the same