Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 22 Aug 2009
The two tissues in the body with the fastest turnover of cells are hemopoetic system and GI epithelial cells. For the increased neucliec acid synthesis assosciated with cell regeneration Folic acid is a prerequisit.Being a water soluble vit the daily requirment has to be met with daily.I make it a point to give Folic acid along with other micronutrients to all chronic and rec diarrhoeas with good results
Can we extend the same rationale to treatment of acute Diarrhoea also Are there any studies to show the blood levels of Folicacid in aute and chronic Diarrhoea__?
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Answer Discussion :
P Lall
I am not aware of any such studies`however i have also been also doing the same practice for many yrs with good results in a majority of cases
15 years ago
In two randomized controlled trials folate has been evaluated in acute and persistent diarrhea and found to have no beneficial effect. Folate is not recommended as adjunct therapy of diarrhea.

Ref: Ashraf H, Rahman MM, Fuchs GJ and Mahalanabis D {1998} Folic acid in the treatment of acute watery diarrhea in children: a double-blind, randomized, controlled trial Acta Paediatrica 87, 1113-1115

An unpublished study {Arora et al. Personal communication} evaluating the role of folate in persistent diarrhea, showed that folate had no beneficial effect on the clinical course of illness.

15 years ago

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