Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 05 Feb 2011
I knew that the meaning of SIMPLE is consciousness not impaired and the meaning of COMPLEX is with impairment of consciousness in the classification of epilepsy, but my friends say that I am wrong. Can you please clarify_?
Dr Milon Mitra
email address
Expert Answer :
Yes, simple seizures imply seizures without loss of consciousness and comlex seizures imply seizures with impairement of consciousness.
Answer Discussion :
khuzema furniturewalla
2 or more seizures nt triggered by any known coz {infection ,tumor etc}
14 years ago
Ketan Shah
even i know it is same. Any other comment _?
14 years ago
DrMohit Kehar
Motor activity is the most common symptom of SPSAutomatisms do not occur with SPS, but some patients complain of aura which may be the only manifestation of a seizure. average seizure persists for 10–20 sec. The distinguishing characteristic of SPS is that the patients remain conscious and may verbalize during the seizure.

CPS may begin with a simple partial seizure with or without an aura, followed by impaired consciousness` conversely, the onset of the CPS may coincide with an altered state of consciousness. An aura consisting of vague, unpleasant feelings, epigastric discomfort, or fear is present in approximately one third of children with SPS and CPS. Impaired consciousness in infants and children may be difficult to appreciate. There may be a brief blank stare or a sudden cessation or pause in activity that is frequently overlooked by the parent. Furthermore, the child is unable to communicate or to describe the periods of impaired consciousness in most cases. The periods of altered consciousness may be brief and infrequent, and only an experienced observer or an EEG may be able to identify the abnormal event

14 years ago
JYOTSNA prasad
international league against epilepsy
14 years ago

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