Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 25 Dec 2022
Sometimes mother complains that the infant suddenly started stool in increasing frequency, generally at the infant age of 2-5 months without any other symptoms. The duration of the complaint is quite long and we generally tell the mother about exaggerated gastrocolic reflex but if it is ex. gastrocolic reflex then why has it started now and what can be done to prevent that?
Expert Answer :
Gastrocolic reflex is inherent and normal for all newborns. In some infants, it may be more obvious and presents more strongly. I feel if the baby is otherwise healthy and has no signs or symptoms of chronic diarrhea, reassuring the parents is all necessary. A stool routine test may be done to confirm the absence of any pathology.
Gastrocolic reflex may become obvious at any age and may be noticeable for a variable period of time. Prevention is not really possible and not really indicated.
Answer Discussion :
Jorge Andrade E
2 years ago
Mao Bunu
Reassurance,to rule out possible artificial feeds.
2 years ago
only reassuring the mother
2 years ago
sayed sayed
May be overfeeding
2 years ago
suresh kumar
Increase feeding time around 20 to 25 minutes each will overcome the situation n council parents regarding frequent stools is normal
2 years ago

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