Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 17 Jun 2012

Pl . tell me how to manage a case of PICA _?
Expert Answer :
Pica is a result of mild transient deviation in behavior that usually settles by itself and therefore one treats effects of pica rather than treat pica. Iron deficiency is considered to be related to pica - one does not know whether it is a cause or effect but iron supplements are in order. Further pica may expose a child to worm infestation and needs treatment. It is rare that pica continues in spite of iron supplements and if it does, it may be a part of complex behavior disorder and may justify referral to psychologist. I am sure such an event is rare.
Answer Discussion :
anitha ani
pica is a habit of eating unusual things like mud, chalk etc.. seen in children with iron deficiency anaemia most common cause of which is worm infestation in our country and this habit of eating mud can also pave way for worm infestation further aggravating the problem . so first step would be to correct IDA and then deworm and if not corrected look for other causes of IDA
12 years ago
Srinivas prasad
12 years ago
Tarek bennbia
examine and investigate for anemia and helmenths after taking family and social history
12 years ago
Paresh Shah
find out what is diet pattern of child . child having milk as main diet with bottel is more likely to have pica
so adv to start solid diet watch child so child do not have chance for pica. also give iron as it may help . keep child occupied in activity

12 years ago
Kasiviswanathan Akileswaran
heamatinic im inj
12 years ago

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