Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 27 Jun 2014
If a child is brought with past h percent B. C. G. Vaccination,and

no scar formation. Now asymptomatic, came for

evaluation. What should be done_? Shall we repeat

B. C. G _?, Leave it for follow up_?

Thanking you sir,


Expert Answer :
Firstly absence of scar after BCG vaccination does not mean failure of vaccination as it has been shown with lymphoblast transformation test that immunity does exist even without formation of scar. So ideally there is no need to repeat BCG vaccine. However IAP COI in their recommendation has considered it safe to repeat vaccine once more in infants. BCG Vaccine administered later in life has much lower benefit as by then child would have come in contact with mycobacteria including atypical mycobacteria from the environment and so BCG Vaccine may not take up. So if the child is few months old and you have found no scar, you may choose to repeat BCG Vaccine once but not if your child is older than a year.
Answer Discussion :
No answer discussion available.

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