Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 28 Feb 2007
Sir, I have a patient, 2 years old male child who had 2 episodes of generalised convulsions, both with history of fasting prior to that and documented hypoglycaemia and ketonuria. His development is normal. Weight and height is along the 5th centile. There are no external signs suggestive of hypopituitarism, Beckwith syndrome, no cataract, hyperpigmentation and hepatomegaly. I have made a diagnosis of ketotic hypoglycaemia. My question is do I have to investigate further to rule out the rarer causes of hypoglycaemia? If so, what all tests would you advise? Thank you.
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
typical ketotic hypoglycemia no need for further investigation
18 years ago
vivek chetal
a low serum alanine would be more suggestive of your diagnosis. Further get a serum GH anyway as 2 yrs would be too young to see any external features{ body proportions being maintained}.
18 years ago
Read the article on APPROACH TO A CHILD WITH HYPOGLYCEMIA on or from the link given below:

18 years ago

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