Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 28 Dec 2005
Respected sir, Madam, recently we came across a case of intrahepatic biliary atresia with marked fibrosis and hepatic dysfunction in a two month old child. A Kasai operation is being planned for him. i want to know what is the treatment of choice in this case. because according to the literature he has a very bad prognosis and liver transplant is the only answer in this case. please clear my doubt in the above case. thanking you . Dr. Sangeeta
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Answer Discussion :
If the child is more than 2 months of age,it is too late to do a Kasai.You may need start working to get the transplantation done as early as possible.
19 years ago
lazar virginia
I would choose Kasai operation,removing the atretic biliary ductus and linking the small intestin with the liver in the spot where the bile is draining,with all the measures taken to avoid ascending cholangitis.
19 years ago
The treatment of choice would be Kasai operation. Depending on the success or failure of Kasai's operation, liver transplant may be required. If the cholestasis comes under control with the Kasai and the child's nutrition and growth can be taken care of, one can defer the liver transplant till it becomes essential. If however, the Kasai's fails then liver transplant may be required urgently.
19 years ago

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