Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 01 Jun 2012
Q1: When can we start multivitamins to a premature baby 28wks gestation and 1250gm wt,

Q2: For GER can we use Erythromycin, to prem babies as a first line therapy. If no what should be the drug of choice_?

Q3: Can u tell us, the routine tests {any specific protocol and at particular days} that should be normally carried out in prem babies admitted

Q4: Can we dilute premature formula for admitted prem with feed intolerance_?

Q5: What should be the ventilator settings if we want to shift a preterm baby for RDS from CMV to IMV , CPAP

Q6: What is the maximum amount of oxyegen in a L, Min that v can give through nasal prongs_?
Expert Answer :
I think you need to attend one of the courses conducted by NNF, IAP or a conference - it is almost half of Neonatology!!!
1} Generally we start at 2 weeks.
2} NO. Domperidone is the first line therapy if the baby is symptomatic.
3} Routinely baby needs Full blood count, Ca, ALP and Phosphate atleast once in 2 weeks, if not weekly in babies less than 28 weeks.
4} Dilute with what_?
6} Usually Oxygen via nasal prongs - you need to ensure that the baby is in Less than 30 percent oxygen before we use nasal prongs. This needs to be monitored with SaO2 monitor. Generally via nasal prongs, if you have a higher flow, it irritates the nasal mucosa of the baby.
5} I think the best way to learn Ventilation is to ATTEND a VENTILATION Workshop and not via internet!
Answer Discussion :
jahanara gul
Ans1-@4 weeks of age.
Ans3-1st three days - glucose,calcium,
cranial usg-day 2 of life,day 5and day21.
ROP Screening,BAER.
Ans4-we can try EBM.
Ans6-5 L

12 years ago
faiza bhutto
ye s we can start mulitivitamins after we make sure they are tolerating feed otherwise if the preme is on vent tpn is the choice that we had.we give erythromycin in order to prevent NEC but we usualy give domeparedone, routine tests are CBC,CRP,SERUM CA,BLOOD C, S ,S.BILLIRUBIN,TSH,PT,APTT all these at different days,we dnt need to dilute the formula we need to change it either to lactose free or neolac type which also had digested protiens,setting of the vent shuld be low like R, R 35 PIP 18 PEEP 4 FIO2 30 percent THEN WE CAN SHIFT THE BABY TO CPAP OR IMV,NT MRE THEN 4.5 LITERS Shuld be given by nasal prongs
12 years ago
q6 4l, min
12 years ago
richa sharma
by 2 weeks
no it sreported to cause pyloric stenosis
motilium and omeprazole
no formula should not be diluted in any stage

12 years ago
kanchana arvind
30 wks
12 years ago

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