Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 14 Mar 2010
Pl. Madam, Sir, What is the defibrillator value, s in joules in children on normal defib and biphasic . Is there some criteria like 5 joules per kg.
2} Internal defib in cardiac surgery.
3} wHY JOULES WHY NOT DYNES, how is the criteria achieved

Thank U in anticipation
Anil Mansukhani
cardiac cath Tech.
Expert Answer :
The recommended dose for defbrillation in children is 2 J, kg dose. European Resuscitation Council`s new guidelines that recommend 4 J, kg as the first energy dose for defibrillation in children
Answer Discussion :
prawin agarwal
0.5-2 J, Kg
15 years ago

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