Posted On :
03 Feb 2009
One and half year male had Miliary TB with hepatosplenomegaly. He was born preterm at 32-34 wks with birth weight of 800gm. He was getting recurrent respiratory tract infections. His previous X rays were normal. For last nine months he was on 4 drugs AKT {SHRZ} for 2 months and then 3 drugs AKT {HRZ} for last 4 months along with Oral Ofloxacin. He developed severe abdominal pain. Hepatosplenomegaly is persistent. No urinary or bowel complaints. Urine routine NAD. Deworming done,Usg shows Hepatosplenomegaly. No other positive findings. X ray chest shows still miliary shadows. What could be the cause of his Abdominal Pain? What modifications in the AKT are required to control his Miliary TB?