Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 06 Sep 2007
My biggest problem is that my institute receives meningoencephalitis cases from all over delhi and adjoining areas in such bad shape that we hardly have time to send cultures and work out a strategy. Most already having received the common third generation cephalosporins at private places for few days. Resultant we lose them without even giving a fight. My question is are we really helpless when it comes to encephalitis { mortality rate being 60-70 Percent in my experience} 2} Please can you give me an approach regarding investigating and reaching a diagnosis, which is both speedy and cost effective in helping save such kids? 3} On what grounds can Acyclovir be started? 4} Please also share the most effective strategy treatment wise keeping in mind the short window period that most of the times we have? Please help me at the earliest. Thank you !
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