Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 29 Sep 2008
My 3.6 yr old son always gets cold and flu. Can i give him flu vaccine? He is allergic to egg and some kind of daal. I read that flu vaccine is contraindicated in egg allergic people. Please reply.
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Answer Discussion :
can be given in hospital
16 years ago
Dr. Bankim Parikh
It would not be wise to give flu vaccine to a child who is known to be allergic to egg.
Furthermore flu vaccine will not protect against the colds shich are the common viral infections. the real flu would not be a recurrent infection.

16 years ago
yes if he has simple allergy its ok but if before he got anaphylactic shook then you should not
16 years ago
kadhem k kuredy
dear allchildren age6-59 monthsare recommended to reeive influenza vaccine inf vaccine isrecommended annuallly for chiledren age less59 m with certain risk factor ,health-car workers,a generic contrahndication for all vaccin is anaphylaxis to a prior dose , the major constituents of concern are egg protien for vaccinens growne in egg,gelatin astabilizer in many vaccinens however,the amount of egg is so small as not to reguire any special procedures prior to administeteing vaccine to someone with a history of anaphylaxis following egg ingestion
16 years ago
kadhem k kuredy
its not contraindication
16 years ago

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