Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 19 Oct 2006
Is there any different preparation of Adrenaline for nebulisation or can we use commonly available Inj. adrenaline?
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Answer Discussion :
dr nilesh gothi
no different preparation is available
18 years ago
kaninika basu
The nebulised adrenaline used in croup is different from the preparation used for injection.
The dilution for nebulised adrenaline is 1 in 1000 {1mg-ml}.This may be given with close monitoring in a dose of 400mcg-kg {max 5mg}in a case of croup not responding to steroids. Can be repeated after 30mins.May be diluted with normsl saline- effect lasts 2-3hrs.
On the contrary, dilution of commonly available Inj adrenaline is 1 in 10,000-used in anaphylaxis in a dose of 0.1ml-kg.

18 years ago
Racemic adrenaline nebulisation is preferred. The regular adrenaline may work but may cause rebound phenonemon on stopping. The frequency of nebulisation would depend on the symptoms and with monitoring of adverse effects keeping a fine balance between therapeutic effect and adverse effect.
18 years ago

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