Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 18 May 2007
In cerebral malaria is Artemether or Quinine superior?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
Since plasmodium falciparum has been found to be resistant to most of the currently used antimalarials, combination therapy with antimalarials is now recommended. The combination consists of two or more blood schizonticidal drugs and includes a combination of a short acting antimalarial with a long acting antimalarial. Of all the antimalarials, Artemisinin derivatives and quinine are still sensitive drugs and both are short acting. Thus, combination therapy may include the following choices:
1. Artemisinin based combination therapy {ACT}
2. Quinine base combination therapy {QCT}

18 years ago
nikhil agrawal
quinine is the drug of choice
18 years ago
Niita Haitembu
18 years ago

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