Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 16 Mar 2019
If an infant is accidentally given more than 2 drops of oral polio what are the adverse effects_?
Expert Answer :
At the most there is a theoretical possibility that the the baby can develop loose stools which will be self- limiting as it is a viral diarrhoea due to gut invasion and gut proliferation of attunuated live Polio Viruses. But in practice nothing happens. The excesss drops become a wasted dose. About 10 years ago, one of my assistants in ICH at Chennai inadvertently administered 3, 4 of the contents of the tOPV vial to his own son at 6 weeks of age` fortunately nothing happened and the baby was well feeding normally at breast with associated other activities.

However caution should be excercised to adopt right technique of holding the vaccine vial at 90 degrres upright position and administer the correct dose of only 2 drops.

Dr Alagiriswamy Parthasarathy
Answer Discussion :
Sweety N Jain
no adverse effects
6 years ago
pgreddy Goverdhan
no side effects
6 years ago
kadri soliman
Nothing at all
6 years ago
Asma Yaqub
no side effects
6 years ago
Marlin Pratt
none at all
6 years ago

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