Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 31 May 2007
I want to know whether there is any role of steroid inhalor in allergic bronchitis not responding to oral anti allergic and when other causes of cough are ruled out?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
pramod m.kulkarni
what's allergic bronchitis?
If it's asthma,ICS is gold standard of therapy.

17 years ago
is there there an entity , allergic cough in any standard test book.
there can be allergic rhinitis causing cough by irritating cough receptars,or post nasal drip .
allergan can induce bronco spasm , so answer your question , did you rule out causes for cough with apropriate measures before branding this to an entity which is a vague non specific diagnosis {for which you are planning to put on steroids }
dry cough may be manifestation of astma ,there need not be any chest signs .{diarnal variation and trigger sensitivity and response to bronchodialaters and of course PEFR should be done to rule out underlying asthma
another entity of chronic cough , mycoplasma infection
so if it is asthma steroids will work ,
i feel you try a course of do a cold aglutinin,CHEST XRAY to rule out foreing body , try a course of erythromycin and bronchodilaters before puting on steroids

17 years ago
steroid inhalers have no role in treatment aspect.They can be used for prevention.
17 years ago
17 years ago
Asthma is also known as allergic bronchitis and steroid inhalers may be useful in persistent asthma.
17 years ago

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