Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 02 Mar 2006
I have been referred a mother whose antenatal usg shows fetal mesenteric cyst. How to manage this case further?
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Answer Discussion :
Dr. M Natarajan
follow up with serial usg after delivery and a surgical opinion
19 years ago
dr sanjeev aggarwal
The detection of intraabdominal cyst{it may be virtually impossible to be categoric abt. the type} in fetus does not alter the obst m-m{unless the size is very large-may have to go for elective lscs}.close sonographic follow up should be done to assess the increasing size.Need to do USG soon after birth.Unless f-o bowel obstruction are present,no need of emg. surgery.
19 years ago
nikhil agrawal
USG guided Aspiration of the cyst or termination of pregnancy if pulmonary maturity is ensured
19 years ago
An antenatally detected cystic lesion in the abdomen- intraperitoneal- could be a duplication-mesenteric-ovarian cyst. Usually none of these should require any antenatal intervention or
change of plan. However all of them must be carefully followed up antenatally and later. Also one must mention that the above comments are only general in nature and any definite opinion can only be given after seeing the USG and going into all the other relevant details.

19 years ago

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