Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 18 Nov 2004
I have a 5 year old male patient who presented with 49 days of fever and pallor. He was admitted twice for which only a complete blood count was done which revealed pancytopenia.Packed RBC transfusions were given on these 2 admissions. On Physical examination he has slight hepatosplenomegaly. The Mantoux test we did at our hospital turned out to be positive. His CXR revealed infiltrates and paratracheal lymphadenopathies. What do you think is the closest diagnosis of this patient and how do i approach it?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
usama omran
hodgkin lymphoma
non hodgkin lymphoma

20 years ago
Mohamed Abdelmalik
20 years ago
pramod madhukar kulk
Lymphoreticular infections and malignancies.
bone marrow is 'MUST'

20 years ago
In addition to TB, one must rule out malignancy, histiocytosis and aplastic anemia secondary to infection such as HIV. Also mycobacterium avium complex{MAC} should be kept in mind.
20 years ago

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