Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 20 Jun 2002
How to know approach to a case of micropenis ?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
As soon as the infant is recognised to have a microphallus, a pediatric endocrinologist should be consulted and sometimes the urologist as well.Circumcision should be avoided.
Usually on thourough examination if there are palpable testes, the infant is male hence is it essential to distinguish from a female with ambigious genitalia.Chromosomal analysis should be done if thought necessary under teh discretion of teh doctor.Most of the cases of microphallus is usually due to fetal testosterone deficiency {which can be due to many reasons aas well} Micropenis can occur as an isolated idiopathic anomaly or in association with other anomalies.
Testerone therapy to increase the penis size in infants have been used and has shown to be very effective in those with testosterone deficiency.Surgery has only been considered in very extreme cases.
In follow up with these children, they should be monitored constantly for any growth or developmental problems. And parents should be given a clear picture on their child's problem and what expectations to have from the treatment

22 years ago

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