Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 06 Dec 2004
How long can one wait for brachial plexus injury to recover caused due to birth injury?
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Answer Discussion :
susan omer mohamed
in erbs palsy 3-6 month
20 years ago
pramod madhukar kulk
depending on extent of damage,
usually by 6weeks the recovery is obvious and may take next few months-upto six months for additional improvement to near complete levels.

20 years ago
dr g d halwai
three months
20 years ago
There are four types of brachial plexus injuries: avulsion, the most severe type, in which the nerve is torn from the spine, rupture, in which the nerve is torn but not at the spinal attachment, neuroma, in which the nerve has torn and healed but scar tissue puts pressure on the injured nerve and prevents it from conducting signals to the muscles, and neuropraxia or stretch, in which the nerve has been damaged but not torn. Neuropraxia is the most common type of brachial plexus injury.
Some brachial plexus injuries may heal without treatment. Many children who are injured during birth improve or recover by 3 to 4 months of age. Treatment for brachial plexus injuries includes physical therapy and, in some cases, surgery. For avulsion and rupture injuries, there is no potential for recovery unless surgical reconnection is made in a timely manner. The potential for recovery varies for neuroma and neuropraxia injuries. Most individuals with neuropraxia injuries recover spontaneously with a 90-100 Percent return of function.

20 years ago

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