Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 05 Jun 2007
How far are we to accept the new Hepatitis vaccine - Live attenuated Hep. A vaccine?
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Answer Discussion :
B P Srivastav
not much needed
17 years ago
anis s. sayyad
hepatitis vaccine A is not a good option for all is mild illness n needs carefull watch.if it would hv been includede in immunisation shedule the cost of ot goes very high and that will be much difficult for our government to bear it.and also hep.a immunisation will shift the age group up towards adults.thyat will again be it must be advocated on named child basis but must be given to all children with chronic liver dsease.
17 years ago
Live Hepatitis A vaccine is now available that is to be given subcutaneously after 1 year of age. The international vaccine was first developed by Dr Mao, the main inventor of the vaccine in the year 1987 and introduced in China in 1992. Till date over 120 million people have been administered the vaccine successfully in China. This new generation vaccine offers long term protection and convenience of a single dose administration for both adults and children. There is no need for a booster dose with this vaccine. The vaccine is now available in India and is packaged as a vial of the freeze-dried, live attentuated lyophilised vaccine along with 1 ml of diluent for a single dose.
17 years ago

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