Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 23 Jan 2005
How do salicylate ingestion can lead to raised levels of serum uric acid?
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Answer Discussion :
Dr Shilpa Kadam
20 years ago
low dose
20 years ago
salicylates compete with the uric acid excretion in the renal tubules, {as salicylates are also acididic themselves} therefore, uric acid levvels are raised.
20 years ago
Aspirin {and other salicylates} have varying effects on uric acid. Uric acid is handled by the kidney in a very complicated pattern. After being filtered through the glomerulus, the uric acid ia almost all reabsorbed from the urine, then is secreted back into the urine, with a small amount then being reabsorbed once again. At low aspirin levels {as may occur in persons taking aspirin only occasionally}, aspirin blocks secretion of uric acid bythe kidneys and can increase blood uric acid. On the other hand, in high doses {as may be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis}, aspirin blocks reabsorption of uric acid by the kidneys to a greater extent than it blocks secretion, leading to lower uric acid.
20 years ago

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