Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 17 Sep 2006
How common is utero-vaginal prolapse in newborns and what are the causes and its treatment? How commonly can it occur in babies with lumbar meningomyelocele?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
niraj srivastava
not very common...wait and watch, avoid constipation diarrhoea. may be more common in meningomyelocele
18 years ago
18 years ago
hassan khudair
very rare
congenital cause
rare also

18 years ago
Numerous neurological and spinal abnormalities may also be associated with uterine prolapse in the neonate: Spina bifida, present in 86 Percent of the neonatal uterine prolapses , meningomyelocele and other conditions such as hydrocephalus, spastic or paretic lower extremities, scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis as well as pelvic skeletal deformities and abnormalities of the uterus, cervix, or vagina. However, cases of uterine prolapse without developmental defects have also been reported in neonates. Neonatal uterine prolapse is treated conservatively with excellent prognosis.
18 years ago

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