Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 29 Aug 2006
For the treatment of umbilical granuloma ,silver nitrate cautarisation has been mentioned. {Nelson textbook of pediatrics 17 edition}. WE HAVE BEEN doing common salt application for 1-2 weeks and it works well. But we have one case in which application of common salt does not work at all. In addition baby is having cord bleed twice. some physician use copper sulphate also as it is more hygroscopic . KIND GUIDE ABOUT MANAGEMENT OF UMBILICAL GRANULOMA.
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
dr nilesh gothi
both salt and copper salt can be used
18 years ago
B. Rajsekhar
copper sulphate cauterisation can be tried .
18 years ago
Silver nitrate application or copper sulphate and even rock salt application to umbilical granulomas is usually successful. One or more applications may be needed. Large granulomas that do not resolve with silver nitrate must be surgically excised.
18 years ago

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