Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 26 Jun 2006
Disadvantages of smoking
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
Elisabetta Walters
For the fetus: increased risk of IUD, IUGR, placental dysfunction leading to prem labour and its complications.
For the newborn: increased risk of SIDS and apnea events.
For the infant: increased incidence of otitis media, URTI and LRTI, esp wheezing.
For the older child: increased risk of asthma, migraine, atopy.
For the adolescent who smokes: chronic obstructive lung disease, cardiovascular events, impaired exercise tolerance, decreased fertility.

18 years ago
Problems with smoking:
Non-cancer lung conditions related to smoking:
-Chronic obstructive lung disease
-Chronic bronchitis

Various cancers are linked to smoking:
-Lung cancer
-Mouth cancer
-Larynx cancer
-Throat cancer
-Oral cancer
-Esophagus cancer
-Urinary tract cancer
-Cervix cancer

Smoking linked to various other diseases:
-Heart disease
-Peripheral artery disease
-Blood vessel disease

Smoking effects on female fertility:
-Female infertility
-Early menopause

Smoking effects on pregnancy:
-Low birth weight
-Vaginal bleeding
-Premature delivery
-Sudden infant death syndrome

18 years ago

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