Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 16 Dec 2006
Dear sir, how does sickle cell protect a person from severe malarial infection? Why is it that this is only possible for heterogenous not for those who are sickle cell anemia{homogenous? What's the mechanism? Thank you
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Answer Discussion :
Dr K Radhakrishna
When HbS cells containing M.P enters areas of low O2 tension{like loop of Henle, spleen etc} the potassium leaks out. This makes the parasitised cells rigid and irreversibly sickled leading to destruction of the parasitised cells by RES.
18 years ago
Dr. Rachna Kalra
Sickle Cell Anemia has sticky RBC membrane with deformed cells, and cause sludging., hence protects against has valine in place of glutamine at 6th position of b chain.
18 years ago
sickle shape
18 years ago
The precise mechanism by which sickle cell trait imparts resistance to malaria is unknown. A number of factors likely are involved and contribute in varying degrees to the defense against malaria. Experiments carried out in vitro with sickle trait red cells showed that under low oxygen tension, cells infected with P. falciparum parasites sickle much more readily than do uninfected cells {Roth Jr., et al., 1978}. Since sickle cells are removed from the circulation and destroyed in the reticuloendothelial system, selective sickling of infected sickle trait red cells would reduce the parasite burden in people with sickle trait. These people would be more likely to survive acute malarial infections.

Other investigations suggest that malaria parasites could be damaged or killed directly in sickle trait red cells.Other investigations suggest that oxygen radical formation in sickle trait erythrocytes retards growth and even kills the P. falciparum parasite

18 years ago

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