Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 19 Dec 2007
Children coming with the complains of excessive salivation - what is the treatment?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
look for any ulcers in the oral mucosa or throat infection and treat accordingly. In the toddler age group excess salivation without any other findings is normal
17 years ago
bashar sahib
reassure the parents for this benign condition and it will ressolve sopontaneously
17 years ago
Drooling is generally acceptable in children up to 18-24 months of age. Some children drool while teething. Other children will drool when they have a cold or allergies. Children may drool when their tonsils and-or adenoids are enlarged. If too excessive salivation, atropine may tried as a medication.
17 years ago

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