Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 10 Sep 2007
Can you please tell me the latest recomendation of RNTCP in children?
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Answer Discussion :
Dr Rashmi
Cat-1:Intensive Phase-2{H3,R3,Z3,E3}
Continuation Phase-4{H3,R3}

New Sputum smear positive,
New sputum smear negative PTB,Seriously Ill,
New extra PTB,seriously ill.

Cat-2:Intensive Phase-2{H3,R3,Z3,E3,S3}
Plus 1{H3,R3,Z3,E3}
Continuation Phase-5{H3,R3,E3}

Sputum smear Positive relapse,treatment failure,treatment after default.

Cat-3:Intensive Phase-2{H3,R3,Z3}
Continuation Phase-4{H3,R3}

New Sputum smear negative,not seriously ill,
New extra PTB,not seriously ill.

Drug doses given thrice a week.Doses are as follows-
These are the latest guidelines given by Central TB Division {DGHS},Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

17 years ago
sorry do not know and I keen to know what is RNTCP
17 years ago
Category 1 {New sputum smear-positive PTB OR Seriously ill extra-pulmonary TB}: The intensive phase consists of Isoniazid, Rifampicin, Pyrazinamide and Ethambutol to be given under direct observation thrice a week on alternate days for 2 months {24 doses}. The continuation phase consists of 4 months {18 weeks, 54 doses} of Isoniazid and Rifampicin given thrice a week on alternate days - the first dose of every weekly blister being directly observed.

Category II {Re-treatment Cases}: 5 drugs for 2 months {including streptomycin} and INH, Rifampicin, Ethambutol and Pyrizinamide for 1 month followed by 5 months of INH Rifampicin and Ethambutol.

Category III {Sputum smear-negative and extra-pulmonary TB, not seriously ill}: 2 months of INH, Rifampicin and Pyrizamide follwed by 4 months of INH and Rifampicin.

Continuation phase of treatment in TB meningitis and spinal TB with neurological complications should be given for 6 - 7 months, extending the total duration of treatment to 8 - 9 months.

Asymptomatic children under 6 years of age, exposed to an adult with infectious {smearpositive}
tuberculosis from within the same household, are to be given 6 months of
Isoniazid {5 mg per kg daily} as chemoprophylaxis.

17 years ago

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