Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 10 Mar 2022
Can we use Deflazacort in nephrotic syndrome in place of Prednisilone?
Expert Answer :
Yes. Deflazacort is supposed to have less effect on bone mineral metabolism but is still a steroid. However, in short courses, it does not make too much of a difference whether you use Deflazacort or Prednisolone.
Answer Discussion :
??? ???????
no i can't
3 years ago
Sylvia Kwendo
yes it can be used because it is an anti inflammatory and the side effects are minimal
3 years ago
pratik patil
Yes, We can use it instead of prednisone
3 years ago
Thet ZawOo
Yes, We can use!
3 years ago
sabir khilgi
Yes U can
3 years ago

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