Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 23 Dec 2012
bad obst. history with multiple aborthion` anti phospholipid Ab plusve and IgM toxo plusve in First trimisted lady delivered healthy newborn by Lscs due to LPV.
now should start pyrimithamineplussulfa immediatly or if IgM comes positive - then only_? oph and CNS screening is planned. any alternative of Folinic acid {cost effective}. or any Newer drugs available_? to do CNS, CSF, Retinal Scann immediatly or if problem or after 2 - 3 months.
Expert Answer :
The false-positive rate with Toxoplasma IgM is 60 percent. Thus on the basis of only Toxoplasma IgM it would be difficult to assume that the lady had toxoplasmosis. Also has the mother been treated for toxoplasmosis in antenatal period_? The risk of congenital disease is lowest {10 to 25 percent} when maternal infection occurs during the first trimester and highest {60 to 90 percent} when maternal infection occurs during the third trimester. However, congenital disease is more severe when infection is acquired in the first trimester.
Although most infants infected in utero are born with no obvious signs of toxoplasmosis on routine newborn examination, up to 80 percent develop learning or visual disabilities later in life.

Dr Ira Shah
Answer Discussion :
oamero oamero
No it can be washed
12 years ago

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