Posted On :
21 Sep 2008
An 8 year old male child, resident of Aligarh presented to us with recurrent fever for the past 3 years,3 episodes of jaundice in the last 3 years each lasting for 15 days and swelling in abdomen for past 3 days.No history of bleeding from any site, blood transfusion, urinary or bowel, neurological complaint. On examination he had severe pallor, icterus with no signs of liver failure other than ascites. Liver span was 8 cm, spleen was 9 cm palpable and ascitis present. Hemogram revealed pancytopenia,LFT and PT, PTTK raised, S.Albumin decreased.Patient was given blood transfusion and FFP. LFT and Coagulaion profile became normal.VIRAL Hepatitis serology was negative. USG abdomen revealed normal liver, splenic collaterals at hilumand ascitis. Upper GI Endoscopy was normal and KF Ring negative. WHAT IS THE LIKELY DIAGNOSIS?