Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 03 Nov 2008
Amblyopia or Lazy Eye is mentioned as a common cause of blindness in chilren. What causes the blindness? Both eyes or the lazy one becomes blind?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
Dr Sanjay Kumar
both eyes
16 years ago
Rahman Suhaida
Both eyes
16 years ago
Amblyopia, commonly known as lazy eye, is the eye condition noted by reduced vision not correctable by glasses or contact lenses and is not due to any eye disease. This almost always affects only one eye but may manifest with reduction of vision in both eyes.Amblyopia can be successfully treated up to the age of 17.Early treatment is usually simple, employing glasses, drops, vision therapy and,or patching.However, treatment for older children and adults is usually successful in improving vision and should be attempted.
16 years ago
Manjusha Goje
Difference in refractory error causes supression of vision in lazy eye.It is the lazy eye that becomes blind
16 years ago
Faizan Bhoira
the amblyopic eye gets blind.
16 years ago

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