Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 07 Apr 2005
A seven year old male child presented with pain in legs, unable to get up from bed. On examination child was having erythma over extremeties, mild grade fever and tenderness all over body. DTR were normal. Put child on Paracetamol and amoxcillin and got routine investigation with CPK. CPK was 5000 IU and I diagnosed as myositis . Seven days later symptoms subsided and CPK was normal. Eight months later child came back with similar problem. Subsided again. What is the line of management?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
Get a EMG done . muscles biopsy done . nerve conduction study.after the results manage further. till then conservative management with Paracetamol.
20 years ago
Dr. Sangeeta
looking at his recurrent symptoms of recurrent muscle inflammation, or recurrent myositis, one of the cause in this age would be dermatomyositis.the management includes in addition to the muscle enzyme estimation ,ANA , { Anti-Mi-2 antibodies are highly specific}, muscle biopsy {MRI may be helpful to decide the site} the treatment modalities include, steroids and immunosuppresants.
20 years ago
corticosteroids to be given
20 years ago
Dr S Patro
20 years ago
One needs to rule out autoimmune disorder such as Juvenile Dermatomyositis, Mixed connective tissue disorder etc. MRI of the muscles and specific antibody tests would be useful. Also rule out recurrent viral infections and also metabolic disorder such as Fatty acid oxidation defect.
20 years ago

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