Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 18 Oct 2006
A patient's 7 month daughter received the 23 valent pneumococcal vaccine in error. The baby had no immediate side effect but the mother is still extremely concerned. Is the only reason it is not given under two yrs because of the lack of immunity it provides? How can I reassure her now and can she have her DPT which is now overdue?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
Dr Sanwar Agrawal
This is polysaccharide vaccine and poorly immunogenic below 2 Years and has poor memory too, that is the only reason for not advocating it below 2 years.The mother can be assured by giving scientific facts.She can have her DPT.
18 years ago
yr resoning is correct,you can explain the same with some literature
18 years ago
The antibody response will not be adequate to the vaccine. There is no adverse effect to the vaccine if given early.
18 years ago

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