Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 08 Jul 2014
a child 10 years old with good general condition with past history of reccurent metallic cough from age 2.with every attack he respond dramtically to dexamethazone ,his chest auscultation reveals no wheezes but from about 2 months ago he had the same metallic cough and after a course of 1 weak dexamethazone he still have cough without wheezes and less in severity while he has the cough he developed onther metallic cough and recieved dexamethazone again and respond to it and today and after 2 days of recieving dexamethazone he told me that he took swine flue vaccine . please tell me is it asthma and is there any problem of recieving the swine flue vaccine while he on dexamethazone and what should i do.many thanks.
Expert Answer :
Provisional diagnosis are:

1} unusual to be asthma if metallic cough without wheeze and responding to dexa only.
2} Cough variant asthma is unlikely if not responding to bronchodilators
3} Intrathoracic tracheal obstruction e.g vascular ring or other surgical lesions to be considered.
4} HINI vac available in US only will have no interaction with 7 days of Dexa.

Dr gauatm ghosh
Answer Discussion :
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