Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 01 Sep 2004
A baby was discharged from our hospital on 3rd day of life after being completely immunized for hepatitis B, BCG and OPV. He went to a village where he lives,but due to some reason not known, he was revaccinated with same three vaccine just after 2 days. What will be the outcome? What should be done?When does the 2nd dose of hepatitis B needs to be given?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
outcome nonsignificant.nothing should be done.4-6weeks later
20 years ago
Abdullah Al-Kalagi
nothing is to do
just observe for LN hypertrophy and give further vaccinations at regular times

20 years ago
Abdullah Al-Kalagi
nothing is to be done
only regular vaccinations should be given with observation of axxillary LNs

20 years ago
pradnya gadgil
Surely BCG wasnt administered again!!?? this baby probably needs to be monitored wrt hepatitis B serology.
20 years ago
nirdosh k. safaya
Not much of adverse reactions are to be expected except augumented antibody response than usual briefly and the second dose of HBV due otherwise after one month can be delayed to later month say 5th or 6th month and if any adverse reaction immediate had to happen would have happened in the first 24hrs . Nothing needs to be done. I think parents need to be reassured that nothing can get wrong.Although we donot as of now know for sure if any longterm undesired effects can be traced to such an erronous administration of vaccine doses

20 years ago

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