Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 29 Jun 2002
A 20 day old baby was recently brought to from an ashram.Being an abandoned baby she is being fed lactogen 1.She developed diarrhoea and since then she was given Lifelyte [a readymade ORS solution recently marketed] Can WHO ORS be given in newborn babies? If not what modification is required to give it ?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
who o.r.s is high osmolar solution and the sodium content is very high meant fordirrhoea in cases like cholera it is may be dangerous to use in viralgastroenteritis which may lead to hypernatremia
22 years ago
no, newborn babies can't be given who ors formulation.they need less of sodium.
22 years ago
Best home made ORS is Brown rise Kanji water.

22 years ago

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