Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 25 Aug 2005
A 2 day old non-asphyxiated baby whose mother had an adequate liquor volume in a scan done 10 days before spontaneous vaginal delivery has not passed urine. On physical examination she is essential stable with unremarkable abdominal findings. Two arteries and one vein were identified on the umbilical stump. The urogenital system is unambiguous. What do you think is the likely problem and what steps should be taken?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
dr sanjeev aggarwal
it is important to know whether the baby has completed 48 hrs of life or not because as per std. TB's of neonatology NB can pass urine upto 2 days of life.second step would be to do GPE to ensure adequate hydration and euglycemic status.third would be to look for bladder dostension -catheterisation to look for any obstruction like PUV.
{MY suggestion for moderator of pediattriconcall is to sum up the answers posted by various bloggers and give the compiled answer for any question posted here so as to help the person asking the question-because many a times we get conflicting ans on the board and thus perhaps not serving the purpose}

19 years ago
pramod madhukar kulk
oral fluid challange followed by RFT
19 years ago
1.Inadequat feeding.
2.Posterior urethral valve {male baby}
3.Require renal ultrasound

19 years ago
Do an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder and rule out an obstructive uropathy. Also if required give an Ringer lactate push and and see if the child passes urine. If still does not pass urine, do serum creatinine and BUN and rule out acute renal failure. IF ARF, one would need to evalaute the antenatal history for any infection, drug ingestion etc.
19 years ago

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