Posted On :
14 Jul 2015
A 12 yr old child presented with complaints of fever for 2 days, headache, irritability and 3 episodes of GTCS. No past history of similar or any other prolonged illness. On examination child was in E4V3M5 stage and irritable. Tone and DTR normal ,no signs of meningeal irritation, pupils NSNR. Child was having high grade fever, was underweight {25 kg}, b, l proptosis with a BP of 170, 120 mm hg. On CVS examination, 150 PR, normal vol peripheral pulses, there was hyperdynamic precordium with a grade 3 systolic murmur most prominent in left parasternal region not radiating to axilla or back. On investigations there was neutohilic leucocytosis, normal Hb, normal RFT, KFT, normal LFT, MP negative, widal To-1, 160, csf examination normal. CT scan showed small infarcts in various regions, normal thyroid studies, normal urine examination. Echocardiography revealed significant LV dysfunction with ejection fraction of 20 percent, no regurgitant murmur, no vegetations or valve thickening. Can somebody help in exact diagnosis_?