Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 25 Mar 2014
2 and 1, 2 yr old girl presented with nurse maid elbow. Got corrected with conservetive management. She has such repeated episodes. 1st episode was when child was 8 months old. Since then she has multiple subluxation at different jts including Shoulder and wrist. Never required any surgical management.
Otherwise child is absolutely fine with good physical and mental health with no e, o hypotonia.
Shuld this child be seen by an superspecialist or be investigated further_?
Expert Answer :
Yes, This child needs a further super-speciality opinion. Hyperlaxity of joints has a wide range of phenotype presentations, and is known with certain well dcoumented syndromes.A genetic ,cardio and opthal opnion aslo should be taken. Xrays and CT scan may be necessary depending on the number of joints involved.They may be a particular risk of shoulder and knee subluxations developing into frank and repeated dislocations which can become permanent lesions and may necessesitate surgery in the future.
Answer Discussion :
Moses Kiwanuka
The child should be investigated further
11 years ago
madheswaran mani
yes, requires rheumatologist evaluation
11 years ago
sivarama guntur
yes and suspect abuse
11 years ago
ghada abo zethar
Congental sublaxation
11 years ago
nashwa awad
Yes, should be
11 years ago

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