Posted On :
07 Apr 2015
16 yr old girl child, frm well to do family comin from coorg presented with on and off weakness for last 6 months w, taken opd RX and also one blood transfusion. on examination presently severe pallor, stable not tachypneic or dyspneic,no jaundice, no LN or HSG. comfortable. also not attained menarche yet . initially thought of sickle or thalassemia as pt is frm coorg. on Investigation, hb is 3, P smear shows microcytic hypochromic anemia with pencil shaped cells, anisopoikilocytosis. retic ct 3 percent.MCV, MCHC, MCH all low. RDW is high. sickling test negative, coombs test negative, hB electrophoresis normal, serum ferritin normal , TIBC - normal.bone marrow aspiration normal { biopsy report awaited}.TSH is on higher side ,done incidentally bcox of late menarche.started the child on thyroxine. read in sum books tat in adults iron deficiency anemia may be the first presentation of hypothyroidism. childs TPO antibody came positive. ANA negative, stool normal. so dilemna is even thou i have put the child on thyroxine, bt cause of anemia is nt sure. bcox in literature its written even thou hypothyroidism can cause anemia , bt not so low to cause hb of 3. . wat cld be teh reason here. pl reply