Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 25 Mar 2005
16 years old girl with diabetes mellitus diagnosed one year ago and given Insulin as two doses one on the morning and second in the evening, her Glucose level is about 130-200. She has attacks of hypoglycemia at 3 am. 3 days ago developed resistant hypoglycemia even after stopping insulin. What to do?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
shweta thakur
1. regularise meal timings.
2. have a bedtime snack like 1 cup milk with 2 biscuits or half chapati or kakra.
3. eat 5-6 small frequent meals.
4. insulin doses shld be ajusted according to her requirement.

20 years ago
hony moon peroid
20 years ago
This child is getting too much intermediate acting insulin at night. We need reduce intermidiate insulin at night and possibly add insulin Glargine and actrapid at night. We must off course see the patient and then do it.
20 years ago
Ther hypoglycemia at 3 am is due to morning dipping, needs reduction in evening dose of insulin. The persistent hypoglycemia despite stopping insulin can be due to Insulin shock, honeymoon phase, sternous excercise and imbalance in food intake and expenditure.
Insulin dosage should be reduced with continuous glucose IV and glucagon in case the hypoglaycemia persists.

20 years ago

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