Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 08 Jan 2005
10 years old girl suffering from type 1 Diabetes mellitus for last 4 years. Her weight is 30kgs and she is on Insulin therapy but her blood sugar is not under control. She is getting 24 units of Insulin {6units plain and 18units monotard} in morning at 7am and 13 units mixtard in evening at around 8pm. She takes her lunch in school at around 11am and when am measuring her blood sugar at 2.30pm her sugar comes 250 plus invariably. She takes 1 chapatti and sabzi,pickle with her. Her morning blood sugar comes normal around 110 mg Percent. Her Insulin requirement is already higher than 1U,kg and her sugar is not getting under control. What should be her Insulin management?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
Since her post lunch blood sugar is high, one would have to increase the morning monotard level by a unit and see what is her blood sugar. Also you need to monitor her pre dinner and post dinner blood sugar level as well as pre and post breakfast to determine the ideal combination of insulin and correct dose to be administered. Read the article on "INSULIN THERAPY IN CHILDREN" on for further information:

20 years ago
neeta kevlani
increase morning dose
20 years ago
pramod madhukar kulk
Daily insulin requirements increase in pubertal period and a dose upto 2iu-kg can safely be reached if required,in 1-4 dose stepup schedule.
20 years ago

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