Pedi Poll


Q. The data, released by South Africa's National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD), shows that 52 infants under age 2 were among 452 COVID-19 patients admitted. 29% of COVID-19 admissions in the 0-to-4 age group had severe disease. What should we be concerned about the most for pediatrics?

Poll Results
Pediatric vaccinations & testing should be prioritized.
No action should be taken till we gather more data on the clinical presentation, severity and to better understand the epidemiology of the disease in children with Omicron variant.
Travel restriction should be implemented to protect pediatric age groups.
Implementation of nonpharmaceutical interventions, discourage community and mass gatherings involving young people
To increase maternal vaccination, vaccination among eligible adolescents, adults who encounter infants/young children especially with underlying conditions placing them at increased risk of infection
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3 years ago

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