Drug Index


Mechanism :

Adapalene binds to nuclear retinoic acid receptors, modulating differentiation, keratinization, inhibiting keratinocyte differentiation. It has both exfoliating and anti-inflammatory effects.

Indication :

  • Acne vulgaris.

Contraindications :

Hypersensitivity to adapalene or any of the components of the gel.

Dosing :

For topical use only.
In children <12 years: Efficacy and safety not established.
In children ≥12 years old: Applied in the form of a thin film once a day over the face and
other affected areas of the skin after washing these areas in the evening before retiring.

Adverse Effect :

A brief sensation of warmth or stinging may occur immediately after applying the medication. Skin redness, dryness, itching, scaling, mild burning, or worsening of acne may occur during the first 2-4 weeks of using the medication. Rare side effects include angioedema, conjunctivitis, skin discoloration.

Interaction :

Clindamycin: Adapalene enhances the efficacy of topical clindamycin. Application of adapalene gel to the skin 3–5 minutes before application of clindamycin enhances penetration of clindamycin into the skin, which may enhance the overall efficacy of the treatment as compared to clindamycin alone.
Preparations containing Sulphur, Resorcinol, or Salicylic Acid: Caution should be exercised in using in combination with adapalene gel. Also, since it has the potential to cause irritation, concomitant use with other topical medications should be avoided.

Hepatic Dose :

No dosage adjustments are recommended.
11/26/2024 11:12:47 Adapalene
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