Drug Index


Mechanism :

Raxibacumab is a recombinant human IgG1 lambda monoclonal antibody which binds and neutralizes free protective antigen (PA) component of Bacillus anthracis toxin.

Indication :

  • Treatment of inhalational anthrax following exposure to Bacillus anthracis in combination with appropriate antimicrobial therapy

Contraindications :

No contraindications.

Dosing :

≤15 kg:
80 mg/kg as a single dose.
>15 kg to 50 kg:
60 mg/kg as a single dose.
>50 kg:
40 mg/kg as a single dose.
Note: Administer diphenhydramine ≤1 hour prior to administration of raxibacumab to reduce the risk of infusion reactions.

Adverse Effect :

Skin rash, pain, pruritus.

Interaction :

Belimumab: Monoclonal Antibodies may enhance the adverse/toxic effect of Belimumab.

Hepatic Dose :

No dosage adjustments are recommended; effects not studied.
11/26/2024 16:40:52 Raxibacumab
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