Drug Index


Mechanism :

Antiviral activity mediated by competitive inhibition of the protein kinase activity of human CMV enzyme pUL97, which inhibits protein phosphorylation

Maribavir inhibited human CMV replication in virus yield reduction, DNA hybridization, and plaque reduction assays in human lung fibroblast cell line, human embryonic kidney, and human foreskin fibroblast cells.

Indication :

  • CMV infection in patients >=12 years who weigh >=35 kg (refractory to other standard drugs)

Dosing :

Avalilable as a 200 mg tablet.
CMV infection in patients ≥12 years who weigh ≥35 kg (refractory to other standard drugs)
400 mg orally twice daily with or without food.

Adverse Effect :

Fatigue, vomiting, low platelet count, nausea, hemoglobin =6.5 to <8 g/dL, taste disturbance, elevated creatinine, anemia, diarrhea, neutropenia.

Interaction :

No known major drug interactions.

Lactation :

No adequate human data available regarding drug use in the course of breastfeeding.

Hepatic Dose :

No dose adjustment is needed for mild to moderate (Child-Pugh A or B) hepatic impairment.

Limited data available regarding use in severe (Child-Pugh C) hepatic impairment.

Pregnanacy :

No adequate human data available regarding drug use in the course of pregnancy.

11/26/2024 16:57:03 Maribavir
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